Details and note worthy things....

Jun 10, 2008 16:08

Ok, first off, small boy will be 3 on the 14th of June. For his birthday, we are going into unknown territory...we are not going to the park or anything like that...we are going to 'Chucky Cheese'. Have to order a 'Thomas the Tankengine' cake (small) and cupcakes with same on them. Man and I picked this place so it would be a 'special thing' for him. I only hope he enjoys it lots and isn't scared of critters.

Number 2. Weavr is pregnant and she is far enough along to know that the baby is a girl!!! She is due in October for names for small girl baby, who knows... but will post as I find out things...

3. Man is very VERY VERY happy in his new job with Vandyland....he can even ride the bus to work!!! This is a good thing since when we get small boy potty trained, he will hopefully be going to the Montessori day care that Vandy provides for their employees....

4. Potty training has begun...wish us luck!!! (the stool we got seems to want to live in the living room and be used to jump off of -onto various things and objects- so now it lives on top of the fridge...) More interest will come with time...we aren't pushing it but we do ask, often, about his desire to go to potty...and not scolding him if the answer is no, but do make a BIG deal when he does go...

5. Hord meeting this weekend...looks like fun and looking forward to it.

6. Next Friday is our first open should be good, even if small.

7. Red Dog Beads is going out of business, sorta...they are not going to have a physical location anymore, but only at flea market and online....I picked up a nice long strand of carved bone skull beads and looking forward to using them...everything is 40% off till the end of June!!!! So go, go now!!!

8. Our little deck garden is going along great...I have been informed that I need to water the okra more...and we are STILL getting strawberries...oh, ok!! Strawberry....we have gotten about 3 off our plants, so I guess next year, we will have to get more plants...just to keep up with small boy.

Well, that is about it...gotta get back to it.

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