Why AiMikitty Works.

Nov 22, 2010 03:38


- They are both HOT as, though one has a softer, more babyish face, while the other is more smoulderingly defined. Yum.

- They both have such contrasting personalities, which makes for very interesting dynamics...

- Seen the video of AiMikitty @ WaratteIiToMo back in 2003? So cute... :3  Miki has a lot of fun laughing because of how naive and 'weird' Ai-chan is. xD But the first time I watched this, even before becoming an AiMikitty fan, I noticed at one point Miki glancing (very subtly) at Ai-chan, but the fleeting look was filled with fondness. I instantly thought - new OTP. Lol. ^___^

Here some caps:

- While Miki had no problems bullying (is that the right word? xD) the younger Momusu members, she seemed to show a lot more respect for Ai-chan.

- Alo-Hello2. Miki seemed to be really enjoying her calls with Ai-chan; noticed her laughing quite a bit during them! After the call, she then said, "Ai-chan is mean..." and then had a laugh to herself. How often do you see Miki admitting somebody's been mean to her (and allowing it? xD)? <3 And considering how 'nice' Ai-chan really is. Gets you thinking. Hehe.

- During the famous incident when Ai hurt herself during a concert and needed to be hopitalised... 
Miki cried. T___T
I thought Miki was a tough cookie, hardly shedding a tear even during graduations... but, as another member mentioned back then:
"Yes, she wiped her tears when she was sure nobody could notice her...but apparently someone did. It was the most moving thing in all the matter of Ai' s sprained ankle to me >_<"


Sure all this isn't very concrete evidence in any way or form, but it still has me going all warm and fuzzy inside...


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