A post on
3faithdialogue just got me thinking:
...what questions do you think would help determine if your religion is right for someone or their philosophy in life is in tune with your religion?
So I put a list of yes-no q's together, with the aim of starting out as inclusive as possible & narrowing in on my own beliefs. I wonder how close you get?
Do you:
believe in an objective reality?
feel there is meaning to existence?
seek that meaning?
accept that a higher moral authority exists?
try to live according to that moral guidance?
perceive a spiritual nature to humanity?
believe in a God?
think the universe was created by that God?
feel it was created for a purpose?
see God's presence underlying existence?
trust in that God's benevolence?
try to contribute to that God's purpose?
try to help others?
believe God has a purpose for you, personally?
seek a personal relationship with God?
feel wrongdoing - sin - separates us from God?
take guidance from the Christian 'New Testament'?
give the 'Old Testament' particular respect?
take inspiration from the stories about Jesus of Nazareth?
try to put his teachings into practice?
believe in one God? (controversially late, I know, but, I think, reflecting cultural & Old Testament references to alternative, if lesser, gods & supernatural beings , e.g. the powerful evangelical song 'Our God reigns' begs the question, 'whose doesn't?')
try to love others, as dearly as yourself?
feel that if we repent - confess & turn away from our wrongdoing - we will be forgiven?
accord Jesus a special role within God's plan?
believe Jesus provides a route to a personal relationship with God?
think he was sent to lead the world to God?
feel compelled to share Jesus' 'way' with others?
believe he was unique?
find Jesus' 'way' the only one for you?
believe the Bible was inspired by God?
believe the world was created through Jesus Christ?
believe Jesus was the 'only Son' of God?
feel that Jesus saved through his life and death - reconciled us with God?
wait for Christ to come again?
hope that, after natural death, we shall be made alive again in Christ?
Some of them show overlap, but hopefully aren't redundant & I've left out a ton of traditional doctrine - some deliberately.