So it's been a long long time since I've updated. Or maybe not that long - but definitely the longest I've gone with things *actually* happening in my life... and not writting about it.
First was Jp and Jacie's wedding...
It's was stunning! Absolutely the most romantic wedding I've ever been to. Thanks so much for including me, you two! I had such an amazing time. Eden did so well. She slept the entire plane ride both ways. And was super well behaved through all of the festivities even though they were past her bed time. <3 The two of us had a good time together too. Of course, we'd be awake way before anyone else and we'd explore the city. It really made me miss living in a city. Reminded me of the times when Sam and I use to walk to church together in Providence. It's was such a nice Sunday morning tradition. I need public transportation. I need to be able to get where I want to go without the use of a car. Walking... Riding a bike... the bus... I think that's a must for where ever Bran and I decide to settle down. ... You know, when we grow up.
I *do* have a pretty hilarious tale to tell about the plane ride home from MN though...
So we're one of the last people to be seated, we're getting all settled it, which is interesting to do with a baby and carry on luggage and a diaper bag and things to keep her entertained. The plane starts moving and I smell something yucky. So she's pooped. I laugh. But there's nothing I can do at the moment, we'll just ahve to wait until the fasten seat belt sign is off. So she continues to squeeze those tiny ab muscles and of course - even though I changed her diaper *right* before we got onto the plane - poop explodes all over my pants. Seriously. All I could do was think "Murphy's Law" and laugh at myself. I mean... there was nothing more to do. So We start looking for vomit bags so that we have something to put these nasty poopie wipes in. But of course we don't have any. The fasten seatbelt sign is *still* on... and it stays on for 30 min or so... we page the flight attendants hoping they can bring some napkins... vomit bags... anything to help. But they come over the intercom and say they can't get up until the light goes off. So we wait some more... distracting her as much as possible so she doesn't know it's there. And start playing in it... a good deal of time passes and the plane still can't find a place without turbulence. Eden's tired she's fussing... poo is flying everywhere. It's getting bad. It's all over her... all over me... and getting on the window. So I tell Bran that I *have* to get up and change her. It's silly - the turbulence wasn't bad. Or not as bad as I've seen it. So I ask him to get up and come with me to carry the diaper bag, as I have poop all over me and I'm doing my best to contaminate everything. So he goes first and suddenly the lady comes over the speakers... "Sir, please sit down." He keeps walking and so she comes on again, "Sir... please sit down. Sit down, sir." She's definitely freaked out... thinking he's a terrorist or something. I sit back in our seat because she's freaked me out... as well as all of the passengers around her. They're all looking at the man with the diaper bag with wide unblinking eyes. Dude - we're so lucky we didn't make the news. It *was* a pretty hilarious 2 and a half hours. <3
More stories/updates to come as I find the time...