Poetry? Poetry? I'm supposed to be a fucking poet?
Yeah, it's better than inspecting a toilet,
But do I look like a sissy aristocrat to you bastards?
And I'm not part of that fatass. I'd die first.
Not that it matters, because I'm way too strong
To ever be conquered. By the way, as long
As I'm on the phone, let me just say this -
Anyone trying to "re
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...It was fun. Like, a lot of it sucked, but parts of it...for different reasons, were fun.
Not going to lie: biggest part that sucked was that I was so definitely the "bad guy". I don't mean that in a "wha-wha, you were in the wrong invading" bad guy sense. I mean I was effectively working for aliens: actual aliens, space ones and the like, who wanted to destroy the Earth. It didn't really occur to me at the point they weren't kidding, and on retrospect the "destroy the earth" thing was lame. And at times we went at people we had no business going after. Now, I usually don't have sympathy for 'em, but since they were just caught in the crossfire, I felt bad. It felt like pushing a weaker kid away from you, and then you wonder why you did it and feel bad 'cause there was no actual reason.
But I can gloss over so much of it because of everything else. An entire continent pretty much served as the battlefield between me and my friend's opposing group for about a year. There was fighting in pretty much every thing you could imagine: towns, swamps, mountains, you name it. And the thrill of each event, of each personal confrontation and getting to see them take on other leaders of my group, of the bitterness of when those leaders fell...that was exhilirating. Every little bit of it was awesome.
And it went on for a year. And even when things seemed similar, they somehow still seemed different, and every conflict just brought a surge of new enthusiasm. Yeah, I had to run from a bunch of the personal confrontations since me getting captured then would've meant instant loss, but it was still fun. Especially at the last point, when I finally did get to confront them head on. ...Even when I could have died, it never stopped being fun. Or interesting. And even though I lost in the end, it was still worth it. Wouldn't have changed anything about the experience of it.
Yeah? Well, other than part of destroying Earth - conquering it is way better - you sound like a Prussian to me. Nothing better than the thrill of war, of stepping out on the battlefield and hearing your troops rally behind you and your enemies screaming in pain in front of you. It's the only way to live.
Might need to, ah, do some exercise before hand. I'm not exactly in the best of shape.
This place might as well be a "reset", far as I'm concerned by this point. I'm tired of being overweight and I'm tired of not having my crap here and I'm tired of people automatically thinking I'm just going to be some jackass who's going to screw them over unfairly. So you know what? I'll show them I can be something different for now, because I want to be.
So lets do this.
. . . except for Austria. And France. There's just no helping them.
[Cause, lol, not from actual Earth!]
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