Jun 01, 2003 01:27
We got Zoe to take a full dose of allergy medication. I was hoping that it would make her sleepy but it didn't seem to have that effect at all. She's been chewing her bandage off her foot pretty much all night. It's a constant battle between the two of us.
I'm a little concerned because the wound looks ... well, not what I would expect it to look like if it was just caused by her allergies and constant licking. I'm worried that she cut herself, something bit her, or something like that. Maybe I'm just being paranoid but it seems like it is always something with Zoe. To top it off, it's the weekend and our vet is closed, we'll have to find an emergency office, and I have to decided whether or not I'll drive back to school tomorrow or stay here.
She's eating and drinking but she's not even interested in her FAVORITE treats and that worries me a little bit. Okay, a lot.
I think I'm going to make my bed on the downstairs couch and hope that she decides to get some sleep and STOP CHEWING OFF HER BANDAGE.