Jan 22, 2006 18:11
I sent the following in an email to Leon last night and decided that it needed a more public arena, so here it is...
Agreed, it's just a re-hash of old opposing groups of people, just change the label and all of a sudden it's shiny and new. Apparently.
Get yourself a different uniform and, bang, a new sub-culture is formed. Where everyone is desperately clinging to the rules to stay in the "gang". Wear this! Listen to these bands/ this music! Talk like this! Do this! And you know what: they all do it. They all stick to the rules like trained bloody monkeys.
There are a vast majority of people that worry far too much about what they're wearing, what music they're listening to, if they have the 'right' kind of friends. They obsess about having the right kind of image. How they are seen by their peers. That want to be seen by everyone to be scene enough. They're the most arrogant assholes out there. I wouldn't worry too much about Chavs/ Pseudo goths/ townies; they aren't half as bad as those scene fucktards.
It's as bad as the old Mod and Rocker days, but with these Scenekids eclipsing all those around them with their gargantuan, air filled, craniums. They inter-fight as well as acting superior to everyone else. It's all about covering their puny egos by being obscenely supercilious. It's almost laughable when you think about it.
I must admit that there have been times I've fallen into this trap, but I skip to my own beat; dance to my own drum these days. Sometimes I find myself slipping back into these old roles but then stop myself before I get in too deep. =]
Clothes are great to play around with, to create an image for yourself, but you never wear something because everyone else is. What's the point of that? It shows a distinct lack of imagination.