Blue Note OAP night

Mar 20, 2005 17:02

Went out, spur of the moment, with Linni last night. We were talking on MSN and she mentioned going out, getting pissed, having a lawf and I said yup, yup, yup. You got it. Started off at the Bluedog, moved on to Standing Order, but we couldn't be arsed to wait to get served, then to The Vaults where some stupid meatheaded doorman asked us for I.D's. Hahahaa...I didn't have any, neither did Linni so they didn't get any of our muchos casholo the stupid bastards. Their loss. Then to The Island, I had a couple cherry shots and coke. So nice. And then bumped into Ryan on the way out, he seemed so damn surprised to see me in The Island it was funny. Sat outside The Bless with a pint and a fag and me and Linni talked and I mean talked. She told me some stuff about what happened to her that I had no idea about and can't believe how strong a person she is for getting through that shit. Got some advice from Linni the ledgend too...that girl makes a lot of sense. I wasn't planning on going out to Bluey, but it happened anyway. It was so strange to be the first ones there for about the first half an hour. It seemed nobody else was going to turn up. Then the people started coming in, oh man, too funny. They looked like the regular crowd, but quarter the numbers and age them 10-15 years. It was quite sad to see all these thirty year olds still clinging to their mod and rocker days. We ended up showing up all them future hip replacements by dancing like we were strippers on speed and taking the piss of this fat chick with her tits out. The funny thing about it was she had this long sleeved tee on that covered everything but. She must have cut the fuck out at the front because her red bra was showing and her little chubby titties were bouncing about trying to keep up with her non-rhythm. Saw Nathan while we were sat near the bar and I got us both a ride home, result.
Linni ended up ringing this guy "The schlong" and we sat waiting outside for him to turn up. I saw these two guys walk past; one with thinning hair who looked about 40 and his ugly beer belly mate and thought nothing of it until Linni started squeeling in my ear "Oh my god, oh my god! I think that's him, but he's ugly and fat! What the hell happened to him? He used to be fit." hahahaa, so I started shouting "JIM! JIIIIM!" with Linni grabbing my arm and laughing in my ear trying to make herself as small as possible. He didn't notice a thing, the guy was completely out of his piss head and he wandered past and up towards the doors. She wasn't sure it was him, so I said ring him and I'll look to see if he reaches for his phone, but it was too late, he'd already gone out of view. Long story short; it turned out it was him, she decided she liked him and got off with him (Linni could do better...eww) while me and his mate talked. His mate was cool, until he started going on about the fact that he worked with dead people and was working at the UCI at the minute because he wanted to change careers. No shit. Walked to Nads to get some chips, cheese and mayonnaise and waited for Nath to turn up to take us home. All in all a class night.
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