For my online summer class - please help!

Jul 18, 2007 14:54

Hello All!

Long time no see, I know. I've been horribly busy. Quick update - all is well, pretty much. I can write more later. For now, though, I need your help with a research assignment. These are the assignment parameters:

Research Assignment
(Due July 22) Conduct 5 interviews with 5 people. Each person must be from a different age group and culture. The point of this assignment is to collect views about leisure, recreation and play. Attached is a questionnaire to use for your interviews. After you have completed an interview write a minimum 250 word commentary about your findings. (One commentary for each interview. You DO NOT need to include your interview questionnaires.) At the conclusion of all five interviews write a 1/2 page summary of your thoughts on the results of all your interviews.

Questions for the Research Assignment
1. What do you do for you leisure and recreation?
2. Do you plan your time to make sure to fit leisure in your day?
3. How important is leisure to you? How does it benefit you?
4. Do you like to spend your leisure alone or with a group of people?
5. What does your family like to do together during their leisure time?
6. Is there a good time to have recreation and leisure, or is it more spontaneous?
7. What type to recreation or leisure do you like to do alone? With groups of people?
8. How often do you engage in recreation and play?

If you have a moment and are able to answer these questions for me, please do so as a reply to this message.  Please also give me info about your age and culture, id I don't already know it.

Thanks for your help!  Love you all!
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