I started a photoblog, finally. Now to begin the immense task of cataloging almost 2 years worth of photos.
I've got some recent vacation stuff up, and some costume/make-up stuff. Look for the sub-directories.
boB's pictures Coincidentally, I've always got my eyes peeled for pictures. If you've got something you think I would find amusing, lemme know.
Still to come: Italy, Beauty and the Beast, Family Members, Pets, and other random junk.
Congratulations to Mr. and soon to be Mrs. Sullivan. Woot! True story.
Oh, and a Merry Christmas to all who I haven't said it to (which is almost everyone; I've been a recluse since I got home) and a Happy New Year!
I am home now, and I have stories to tell. I am also trying to accomplish 18 things at once before the semester starts.
Therefore, if you wanna talk, call me. Yank me out of my shell, and I will happily entertain your company. Otherwise, I'm up to very important thinks in here.
Oh yeah! 4 A's and three B's this semester. Rock.
I've been up all night. I'm off to be productive.