the population of Iraq is, (according to the CIA): 25,374,691 (July 2004 est.)
This morning, in an address to the National Urban League, our president was proud to exclaim that he:
A) Loves black people. Depsite his reluctance to speak before the NAACP, Bush is happy to assure us that he has a very diverse cabinet, and has many black friends, including Colin Powell, "Condi" Rice, and "Weezy".
B) Granted 50,000,000 lucky middle eastern individuals their civil liberties, freeing them from TERROR and assuring them a humane life... In a hornet's nest.
C) To hell with debates, Look at my agenda! (By god, you could replace those words with "Here's your sign." and it would be so damned funny...)
oh well... just felt like I should entertain/inform this morning...
National Urbal League...
N.U.L. ...
Hee Hee Hee