Apr 20, 2004 18:32
Visual propaganda is what grabs our attention. If we are watching television we see commercials for cars that we can't afford but we get extremly interested in, if it was't for those commercials we would't be grabbed. Our attention we be else where. Visual propaganda can build up things more that it really may seem. Kind of like the television makes you look 10 pounds lighter then you actually are. It really is an interesting concept to think about. Visual propaganda can really persuade you.
Take for instances the ads you see for weight. You read these magizines that have these men and women that are extremly built and it states it only takes 6 weeks to get those results and your weight stays off. Whoa hold up, yeah right, you ahve to continue to workout past those weeks, and you have to continue to take those pills and you have to continue to curve your diet. But yet still people seem to purchase these products. I really don't understand why, somethings were for certain people but not everyone.
I think that the television ada for these excersise pills and great bodies fasinate me the most because they only give one side of what will happen and don't tell you the whole thing. But when dealing with propaganda that is what happens, because they are trying their hardest to get you buy their product and they are doing it visually so it will grab your attention much more than just reading about it. Trust me I would much rather see something visually than read it first. It is better to see something in person than it is to read about it or learn it by reading about it. Hands on its always better.