Apr 20, 2004 17:56
People are always affected by propaganda in one way or another. Lets just say we all are sometimes easily persuaded to buy, or do something we wouldn't want to. Why is this you ask? I don't know, people I think don't read into certain things that they need to and they read into other things that they may not have to.
Propaganda can be brought to us in many different forms. If you look at newspaper ads, or at billboards as your driving or even, watching the television, someone or something is trying to get you interested in something that you weren't before.Their is some false arguments behind what they are trying to persuade or just trying to tell you but as people we sometimes don't see all those things and we are sometimes blinded but it even thought it may be right in front of our faces.
Political figures are great at using propaganda for their campaigns. They use their posters, and signs. They also pay organizations to believe in what their saying. They just really concentrate on many different techniques to get the society in to believing what they have to say, that is good, instead of telling both sides.
If we were to put blame on who is at fault for us being gullible, or the media to mislead us, I would have to say it is a little bit of both. Their is extreme amounts of people who are gullible to what is going on in world, that they don't take the time to look it up or research what they are listening to or what they should believe. With those people you can just sit their and mislead them and they would't know what happened. Our leaders can tell us one thing, and majority of the country believe it but really something completly different happened, so in that instance it shows how we fell to believing them, but really something else was going on.