Jun 23, 2004 16:43
today i went to drivers ed for the LAST TIME EVER WHOOOO adios cone terminator! no more ghetto videos and questions. sheputis and i got waivers(secret high five). after class, me sheputis and matt ran across kingsley to firehouse subs where we ended up only using the bathroom because heather wanted to go to burger king. we waited for avian and jess who crossed at the cross walk instead of runnin across the road like us cool kids.
at burger king, sheputis told matt she would give him a dollar to talk to these kids who were coming from REAL summer school. he did and he got his dollar. a few minutes later one of um came inside callin my name cuz i knew him from elementery school. we all started laughin and i almost choked on heather's left over milkshake. it was quite hilarious. (remember, up with hope down with dope matthew lol)
mom came and picked up me and jess and we couldnt go to our end of drivers ed bowling celebration because i had to go to the base and have my ID made. my hobo mom never told me about it and i was pissed. what a joke. hopefully she will go out of town this weekend sheputis so we can have an huge party @ my house. ;-)