Anyone read the comic?

Sep 26, 2009 17:21

Yes, the Army of Two 'Dirty Money' comic. First couple of pages legally found here:

It's all pregame, great writing, great art and it melds very well with the game's plot. If you ever wanted to know about Salem's sleeping habits or how Rios got that nasty scar on his face, this is the comic for you. In a completely unrelated matter, Clyde shows up.

I got it about a month ago off Amazon for the nifty price of $6.59 including shipping and man, it was and is awesome! Prices may vary, but I doubt the experience will.

Now, the reasons I'm asking this are two-fold.

First, I'd like to rant and rave about it a little bit with like-minded people.

Second, I have some fic ideas which are spoilerific for it and/or make little sense unless I make an exposition dump.

Clyde:*creepy voice* "Watch out for snakes"
Salem: "Shit. Last night I dreamed I capped that douchebag---and he liked it."

This may have influenced MHS&MC a bit. Just a bit.
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