hello world

Feb 03, 2009 17:52

here's what's going on in my world.

I have an apt with Megan
I have a cat named Jack
Arvin Sloan is to Rambaldi as Hunter Hawkins is to LOST. (if you get that, you're amazing)
I'm sad Football season is already over
I seriously need to work out
Heroes is consistently letting me down
I'm really getting back into camping/hiking. (if anyone is interested, hit me up)


I have a lot of LOST theories, and I think I've got a general idea of the end game. I came up with this when i was reading some LOST quotes. This one in particular...opened my eyes.

(At Hoffs/Drawlar Funeral Parlor, the body of John Locke lays inside an open casket. A bearded, stoned Jack Shephard looks over him and sighs deeply. Benjamin Linus enters with a wheeled table and unfolds it.)

BEN: Why don't you close that up now, Jack? Come on. Let's get him in the van. It's out back.

JACK: Where are we taking him?

BEN: We'll worry about that once we pick up Hugo.

JACK: (Sighs) Hurley... is locked away in a mental institution.

BEN: Which should make recruiting him considerably easier than the rest of your friends.

JACK: They're not my friends anymore.

BEN: Oh, that's the spirit.

JACK: How did we get here? How did all this happen?

BEN: It happened because you left, Jack. Now let's get started, shall we?

(Ben slams the casket shut.)

Now, first off. The TITLE of the first episode is Because You Left. Now, if you're a true Lostie, like me, then you know that Faraday told Desmond that he's very special, and the rules don't apply to him for some reason. That means Desmond can change things from the way they were supposed to be. I THINK, during one of Desmond's time traveling moments, he changed things. And that led to the Oceanic Six leaving the Island. THEY WERE NEVER SUPPOSED TO LEAVE THE ISLAND. This has caused things to get fucked. If Desmond hadnt done whatever that thing was, then they would have stayed on the Island. That's the way things were supposed to go. When the Others disovered that there was a rift, and that could leave to impossibly horrible things...They started in motion events that would MAKE SURE that everyone that was supposed to get on Oceanic Flight 815, actually does get on the plane and end up on the Island. That would explain how they're all connected, before they even got on the plane. They were all manipulated by the Others. The psychic that told Claire she couldn't raise Aaron, and that she HAD to get on that flight. The guy that sent Sawyer to Australia, after the guy he thought was the real Sawyer that conned his family. Jack's dad going to Australia.... that led Jack to 815. Hurley was sent there, going after the guy who introduced him to the Numbers. It goes on, and on. The only way to get things back to normal, is getting everyone back to the Island. The Island needs a constant, it needs things to be back to the way things are supposed to be, so that it can stop jumping through space and time. If you really start thinking about it, then you realize how genius these writers really are. It's all a Loop. I believe Adam and Eve (the skeletons in the caves, Season 1) are characters we already know. If you're having trouble understand what I mean by a Loop, here's a great example.

1. Richard visits Locke when he's born
2. Richard tests Locke as a boy, to see if he's a potential leader
3. Locke ends up on the Island, and he can walk again
4. Locke is asked by Jacob for "Help him"
5. Locke becomes leader of the Others
6. The Island starts time traveling randomly
7. Locke Meets Richard years before Locke is even born, and tell Richard he's the leader.
8. Richard of course, has no memory of this, and then Locke says he'll be born in a few years, "You should come see me"
9. Go back to number 1

I think, if they dont fix the Island's sporatic movements through space/time, it's going to cause the entire world to have time jumps like Desmond had. Eventually leading to complete and utter chaos. The only way to stop it is if they can get the Six back to the Island. And according to the last episode, they only have 70 hours before they will never be able to get back.

Now, I know there are a lot of holes in this theory, it's really just a general idea of what i've been thinking about since the new season started. Hopefully, this will get you thinking too. You've got work to do.

Also, someone take off Richard's left boot!!!! Does he have four toes?!?!?!?

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