day of....

Mar 28, 2009 21:09

Pissed at my friend so I stayed in and didnt go help him out. My... whats the word... pissed (i guess) mood fueld me for the day. got ALOT done.

Pocket watch project done.

ALL the guns I've been putting off.

The new desighns that wheren't firing at all, now actuly fire... just not quit there yet. I want 40ft out of these not 20 but Better then they where however

2 guns painted and complete ready for shipping

2 new desighns drying, ready for assembly

Photos taken

Ebays listed

My handheld Steam weapon drawn up, spring loaded firing bits figured out and documented. electrical light ups as well. Just need green glue and some batteries

REPO watched and enjoyed :-P

Cat sitting duties done

I was on a roll till i sighnd on heh.

maybe food....
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