I picked up my new glasses yesterday. I'm still waiting for the sunglass clips to come in but I wanted the glasses in the meantime. I really like them; they're really "me" and I don't feel dorky anymore. Don't read that like I think people with glasses are dorky because they're not (I find glasses on guys to be attractive, actually) but my other pair, the rounder ones, didn't fit me as well as these do. Does that make sense? The older ones are really nice and I like them but these frame my face more nicely, I think.
And I guess for comparison reasons, because some of you that read this have never seen me in glasses...
See it's weird, those look so huge in pictures! They really aren't big lenses at all but for some reason look bigger. Brian's pointed that out before.
Oh and also, about those pictures. If I look different it's because my bangs are pulled back. I've decided to grow them out because I'm sick of having to trim them every two months or so and it'll be easier on me because I can just pull my hair back and not have to worry about it. They're angled so the longest part is a bit below my eye and the shortest part is right below my eye. What do you people think I'd look like with no bangs? Brian says it looks nice so there's one vote in favor!
Well, what else? Vacation is coming soon! We're leaving about 5 am on July 16th so that means we have to get up at 4. Ugh! Maybe I'll be able to fall asleep in the VAN this year. Because you know, you have more space in a VAN. Haha.
I checked up on some stuff I ordered for Brian and the first part shipped yesterday. That's good. I hope the other stuff comes before vacation so we don't have packages sitting around. Then again, they come to my mom's work so that's no big deal.
Ted took his placement tests a little bit ago and placed high in both English and math, as I expected. I told him to take English with Mrs. Hurst. I'm going to try to make him sign up for a math that I need so I don't have to do it alone; I suck so bad at math and for those of you who are going to tell me to shut up don't, because it's the truth. I'm not even insulting myself, I'm just not good in math/science. Give me a variant of English any time!
Well I guess that's about it. Ted's grad party on Sunday was all right. It was more fun when Lisa and I went to visit Brian at work and I left with him. I hope he gets this weekend off so we can see fireworks together. His manager is a freaking idiot. You can't give someone the weekend off then change it without asking!!! OK that's it. Bye.