
Jun 11, 2004 23:21

Che, Brian has to work so much coming up soon. Today he told me that they hired someone else as well so I hope they take some of his days. He called Sgt. What's-his-name at the NRPD but he wasn't in so Brian left a message. I hope that works out so he can screw over the hotel. Hah hah. Is that evil? Oh well I don't care! He can be like "kieuseru!" to the managers. (My new thing is to swear in Japanese so I can be vulgar but no one else knows what I'm saying, btw.) <- Speaking of Japanese, if anyone's wondering what my icon is about it says my name in the Japanese characters (though I'm not sure if it's Kanji, Romanji, etc.) and it's pronounced Sutefani(i).

So what happened today... I went to the doctor to get a throat culture but it was negative. My throat's been super sore and swollen these past two NIGHTS; it doesn't hurt during the day! So I took a pill when I got home earlier and so far so good. I only have to take a half of a pill for the next 4 days. It's not that I have a problem with pills; I've always been able to take them but that's no biggie to take 1/2 per day.

Does anyone else ever get addicted to old games? I've been playing Harvest Moon for N64 a lot lately, and I've also been getting hooked on The Sims again. I'm trying to save the vineyard at the moment in HM so we'll see how that goes. I started a new game and did it successfully but my other game is already in its fourth year. I'll see.

I work this weekend and it's going to feel so weird to be back at Arden after 2 weeks off. It feels like FOREVER. I always think that I'm going to come back and something's going to be majorly different but it never is. *Knocks on wood*

Brian's uncle's wedding is tomorrow and we're going out later on because he'll have plenty of time after he gets home to do whatever he needs to do. I'm not sure what exactly we're doing but we're starting off by going over Adam's house to visit one last time before he moves.

kanashiidekigoto I'm going to have to wear either waterproof or no mascara because I'm going to be crying so much. If I don't cry in front of Adam, I'll definitely cry later. I don't want to worry either Adam or Brian but I can't help it! OK but that's about it. Good night, everyone.

P.S. Euan I love you! We'll have to get together when Nex comes on tour in the States and we can have dinner.
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