May 28, 2004 14:53
Aah I am so mad! They don't make magnetic clip frames for my glasses; I'd have to get a totally new pair of frames and lenses to get the frames. I don't know if I want to do that but then again, it may be a good idea since my glasses now seem to break every now and again. *Sigh* I'll think about it. They have a cute pair that are like the ones I have now but are more angular. So today, nothing much has happened yet. It's not even 3 though, that's why. Brian and I are going out at 7 and are going to figure out our schedules for next semester. We have to take a science and lab together. I don't know if he can get into another math without going back to 960 so I may have to beg him to take the math that I need. He's a *SMART KID* so he'll place high enough on the placement tests. Haha, he'll probably get Hurst for honors and there's no way to sidestep the fact that we're related because I've talked about him in class. Well that's about it. I can't wait for Sunday, we're having people over and Brian's going to come for a while. OK kids, bye.