General Who? (fanfic con't)

Jan 10, 2012 00:20

Lunch time came and the chow line was as crowded as always. Varon was separated this time since his continuous fights with the other inmates posed a deeper issue than what was seen on the surface. It was through the suggestion of the counselors and his teacher that he should take his lunch in the back.

Varon was being lead by the head of the kitchen staff toward the old guard's break room which now serves as a storage room. It was the only place left that the boy could eat in peace without having someone try to bully him out of his meals. "Aren't you a special headcase. The General likes you, apparently." A burly guard said as Varon sat down and was cuffed to the table to prevent his escape.

Varon didn't say anything at first. Instead, listening was always the better option and it served him well when there were so many talkers around and he had dirt on just about anyone.

The guard snorted. "He even said that you can have puddin'." He added with a sneer.

To Varon, this sounded very patronizing which was just enough to deliver a cold glare to the guard.

"Ooh, what're ya gonna do, cub? Ha, you can't kick my ass in those chains." The guard retorted.

The tray was delivered by another inmate that saw what the guard was doing and rolled his eyes. The inmate workers were given special privileges for their service as long as they were under supervision. The inmate looked to Varon and lowered the tray before turning to leave out of the room. Inmates that were offered jobs often tried to keep out of trouble to keep their small freedoms intact even if they knew what they were seeing was wrong.

Varon looked at his tray and lifted up the plastic utensil. The guard slid the tray away from Varon just out reach which earned another cold glare from the youth.

"What're ya gonna do?" The guard said again. He was looking at getting a reaction from Varon only to be repaid in silence.

"Dammit boy, I know you know what happened in the yard. We seen ya on the camera. What did you see and I'll give you yer lunch. Now talk."

"Go to hell." Varon spoke softly.

The guard was suddenly irritated and grabbed Varon by the collar of his jumper, pulling him close to meet the youth eye to eye. "What did you say?" He hissed.

Silence was the return response. The musty surroundings made Varon feel like an animal than a human which often times made him irritable. He was already feeling the pang of hunger from his forced skip of breakfast because of the small altercation in the showers.

"I ought to just throw you back out there with the wolves and let them have their way with ya, cub. You'd like that, wouldn't ya." The guard sneered in a vain effort to get Varon to talk. "Now talk."

"Bite me. I talked. Now can I eat?" Varon responded clearly.

The guard half tossed the tray to the youth with a scowl. "Smart ass. Yer gonna talk one way or the other about what happened and I'll be there when you do. I'll ride that li'l ass o' yers until you do."

Varon ate his meal as if the guard wasn't standing there at all. He had gotten very used to snide remarks and learned how to tune out what he views as unimportant. Loud mouthed guards were certainly unimportant in his book.

Another guard approached. "Well?"

"Nothin'. He's shut tighter than a clam's ass. He ain't talkin'." A huffed sigh came from the second guard.

"Wonderful." The second guard walked into the room and sat across from Varon who was halfway through his meal. "Hey there."

Varon continued to consume his meal as if no one was there.

"Gourmet meals an' luxury surroundings, you're doin' good, mate."

Varon dropped his spork and pushed his tray to the side. "I ain't your mate, chum. Can it. What'ya want? Come here to watch me squirm, is that it?" Varon spoke coldly.

"Hey, I meant no offense." The second guard stated.

"Look, if yer gonna ask about what happened in the yard, just spill it. Stop your pussyfootin'. It's pissin' me off." Varon's voice depicted the cracking of youth and the second guard was even more alarmed.

"How old are you?" He said with concern.

"Old enough to be here." Varon took a pull from the water bottle that was given to him along with his meal of what looked like an unappetizing assortment of carrots, peas and mystery meat. It was bland enough to be called the Outback Meatloaf Roadkill Surprise. The surprise part was if anyone could figure out the type of meat that was used to make it and it certainly smelled like roadkill.

The first guard snorted as the second guard was making at least a little headway with the young prisoner. "So I can see. They said you killed five men."

"Four." Varon corrected quickly. "I killed four men. Get your facts straight."

This surprised the second guard slightly. Usually anyone that killed anybody would want the credit of doing more damage just to be left alone. This kid certainly didn't strike the profile of a killer much less one that was doing it for the glory or for street credit. "I bet the gangs liked what you did."

"What the fuck are you jabbin' about?" An irritated response came from Varon along with his arm pulling on the chain in retaliation.

The first guard came in that instant to deliver a hard knock to the back of Varon's head. "Watch your mouth! This is the General your talkin' to."

Varon's head whipped toward the first guard. The General stood up and reprimanded the first guard. "Jackson! Stand down! One more action like that and I will have you removed to Old Howe."

Officer Jackson did as he was told and glared at the kid instead. "The li'l bastard should be put down like the degenerate dog he is." Spitting out hateful words was often Varon's dialog among those that didn't favor orphans and viewed them as nothing more than public leeches.

Varon looked at The General and smirked. "I'll tell ya if you can tell that bloke to jump off a cliff and swim with the sharks."

"That's an unreasonable request, I'm afraid." The higher ranking officer calmly responded though the thought didn't cross his mind just then.

Varon folded his arms and played defiant. "Then no deal."

The man called The General laughed. He's seen many come through these halls and he's seen many die for some ridiculous reasons but this kid was someone he never thought he would ever encounter. Quiet, self-assured and confident, Varon was not afraid of death and he knew that the boy would make an excellent candidate. "Alright. I'll leave you with your thoughts. I'll keep in touch in case you happen to remember what happened."

Varon gave a nod in response. Jackson uncuffed Varon from the table and roughly picked the boy up but the arm. "Come on. Back you go."

varon, locked away, fanfic

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