Organ Donor?

Feb 26, 2009 00:58

I renewed my driver's license last Thursday. They said it'd take 5 weeks to process, but I got my new license today in the mail, lol. That's pretty fast... now I have a valid ID card again!

There is something attached in the mail that I was about to throw away, thinking that it's an advertisement... but actually, what's attached in the mail is a Organ Donor registration form for BC TRANSPLANT. xD; A pretty awkward thing to be attached in the driver's license mail. Are they saying that if you drive you'll eventually die, so they want your organs? XDDDD

So, the advertistment part of it says, "DID YOU KNOW? You can Register to be an Organ Donor ONLINE!" Yes, if we can't, then they are not living in the internet era. =\ "85% of BC residents have intentions to register but only 16% have taken the time to do so. Where does these stats come from? If they had the time to take such surveys, then why not get those people to register to be a donor at the same time? rofl. Anyhow, I guess I'll get myself out of that 16%. =P

No registration confirmation will be sent, it says. Damn, no cool-looking donor card for me. =(

After filling out personal information (name, care card #...etc), it presents 3 choices, and it wants you to pick only ONE:

I hereby consent to the following donation after my death:

1. All organs and tissues needed for transplant or transplant research (read: we want everything from you, muwahaha)
2. All organs and tissues needed for transplant only (read: someone is stalking wants you!)
3. All organs and tissues needed for transplant EXCEPT the following: (check those you DO NOT want to donate) (read: We'll let you keep something you like, aren't we nice?) Heart, Kidnets, Eyes, Lung, Pancreas, Skin, Liver, Bowel, Bone
4. I DO NOT wish to be a donor (read: then why the fuck are you mailing this back to us?)

...hmm. Do I want to keep something? I don't know. I'm currently debating between choice 2 and choice 3. Why not choice 1, you ask? That's because the idea of someone "fooling around" with my body parts after I'm dead is rather disgusting. Sorry to the researchers, but the idea of my body being "researched" without myself knowing what exactly will happen just creeps me out.

So, choice 3, perhaps. If I want to keep something, it'd probably be my skin since that's what people can use to identify me with. If there really is a underworld, I would at least want to keep my skin so that people can still see me in my "original" form. xD; Eyes? Do I need my eyes? I guess technically people don't need eyes to keep themselves alive, so maybe I will keep them too so that I can see in the underworld. I read too much yaoi anyway so I doubt anyone would want my eyes. xD Heart? Hmm. Is my conscience in it? Bad Wataru reference Then maybe I want to keep it too. =x As for the rest of the organs, I guess I don't need them. Someone else can have them 8D

As I read the form I put more and more thought into the individual choices. I don't think my lungs/liver/kidneys/pancreas/bowel are necessary for me in the underworld, and I already mentioned about my thoughts about my eyes, heart, and skin. So, what about my bone? I'm pretty 50/50 about this one. If someone needs my bone marrow for a bone marrow transplant, I'm more than happy to give out my bone marrow, but after that, I'd want my bones back. I don't think just "bones" are needed to save someone's life (what, the Truth someone wants my arm and leg?), but bone marrows can indeed save lives, so... *ponders*

I still haven't filled the thing out though, as there is a Chinese saying: Your body, hair, and skin is blessed to you by your parents. I probably should ask for my mom's opinions before mailing this form back. =x My mom just went back to Hong Kong last week to visit grandma, and she wasn't home when I called a few hours ago... Why not ask my dad, you ask? Because I think his answer is gonna be "Do whatever you want with it" ._. My dad is never gives constructive comments.


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