I want to work with young adults

Apr 13, 2014 23:19

I decided to take this class with the vague notion that I might want to work with young adults in the future, but I was very unsure about what that would entail. Also, it was a suggested course for the Children and Youth specialization and I wanted to read a lot of YA books. I liked the idea of working with young adults, but really didn't know how one would do that, or what would make it different from working with adults. Also, young adults intimidate me, so that was something that I had to think about.
This class really taught me a lot about what young adults are like now, and how it is both different and the same as when I was a young adult. It really made me think about how working with them requires a specific skill set, and it taught me a lot about what is contained within that skill set. Because of our learning experiences, simulations, and all of the other integrated learning in this class, I leave this class more prepared than ever to work with young adults, because now I actually know what it entails and how to do it. I know more about young adults and how they develop, and also more about the demographic as whole. I feel more passionate about working for and with young adults in the future, and it is because of this class.
It may sound over the top, but this class was my only class this semester that reminded me that I am doing the right thing in getting this degree. I looked forward to this class every week, and though the workload was intense, it was not busywork. The fun that we had in this class made learning easy and enjoyable, and it really solidified for me that working with young adults is what I want to do. The rewards in working with them will be well worth the challenge, and it was this class that helped me to realize that.
I want to thank all of you, classmates and professors, for making this semester so awesome.


this is my reflection for a final discussion board post in my YA class - putting it here so I won't forget how I feel about it right now.
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