Real college is going to kick my ass.

Sep 06, 2010 17:28

pleione90  this is for you. :)

Welllll, I'm back at college from my Labor Day weekend at home. HOWEVER, that's not where I should start.

The whole "Transfer Express" thing that I signed up for was kind of a waste of time and money. The only real perk was that I got to move in early and (sort of) familiarize myself with the campus. Most of the orientation stuff we had to do was idiotic. I got to see Adriane after she got back from her up-North trip, as well, so that was fun. :) We made the terrible mistake of going to Meijer Mania - NEVER AGAIN. Still, it was good to see her. I also actually got to meet her roommate, so that was nice, too! Hmmm... Went home Friday and go to see Peggy and Amanda and Gloria that night. I was so tired I honestly got home and took a nap. Before that I can't remember the last time I took a nap. GOODNESS. Um... Saturday I got my hair repermed and then sang at 4:30 mass and then Gloria and Peggy and Caleb came over and we watched the live-action 101 Dalmations movie, and also the first part of Romancing the Stone. :D Sunday was a day of rest and relaxation, knitting and homework. Peggy came over and ended up staying the night. We studied and watched the unaired pilot episode of Sherlock. FUN TIMES YES. <3

Now I'm back at the dorm and classes start tomorrow. I still don't have my books because even though it said on their website that they'd be open financial aid was closed today. Awesome. I hate starting classes without my books. It never feels right. Hopefully I can get them before my first class tomorrow. Considering that my first class isn't until 11, that shouldn't be a problem. I feel like my iPod will be my best walking friend. I had better charge it up with music so as to be ready for the morn. :D

I've got my application to work at the campus library all filled out - I hope they can give me a job. It seems stupid to go into something like Library Science having never worked in a library before.

Tonight I'm eating dinner with G in our dining hall and then it's the Last-Night-of-Summer movie night! I think we're watching Spice World, the Spice Girls' movie, among others. :) I am freaking out a little (a lot) about classes tomorrow.

I've got five stripes done on my Hufflepuff scarf. Hope I can finish it before it gets too cold.

knitting, libby is awesome, nerves, college, libraries are awesome, ass-kicking

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