May 20, 2003 17:34
Wednesday morning, the 21st of August, so it began. I ironed the shirt and shorts I was going to wear, the first ironing I think I've ever done in my life. We showed up at campus and it must've been in the 90's and humid. Hot as fuck. It was sometime late morning or early afternoon. I got my key and brought my stuff up to the third floor, 306 Blackwell. I was there before my roommate so I chose the right side of the room which, coincidentally was the side that my name on the door was on. (All the doors had name tags of the occupants on them and each hall had a theme. Ours was middle ages or something, mine said Sir Tyler Brown. It stayed there until I left for good May 2.) I think I chose that side because that was the side that had more of the window which, for some reason, I thought was a good thing but came to realize soon after was bad because the blinds on the windows were crappy and blocked light about as well as a fly blocks an oncoming windshield. Eh.
So I unpacked some of my shit and my roommate showed up soon there after. Unpacked some more. We went to West campus and, I think this is right, we signed up for bank accounts at Central Carolina Bank and got free coolers for it. I put my $500 scholarship check from the town of Marion into the account. Weeeee! I mention this because I think that's where I got the cooler from. I don't know where else I would've gotten it and that sounds right.
That night my roommate and I went to dinner with his parents but had to leave early because we were supposed to be back in the dorm for a hall meeting at, like, 7:00 or something. The cooler was in the trunk of my roommate's car at that point and it was the last time I saw it.
So we got back for the hall meeting. I took a look around at the guys in my hall and tried to make some assesments on first impressions.
*Man, I'm getting all emotional on myself right now thinking about the year. Shit that was so much fun. My ambition is to mention everyone in here that was a part of my life this year. For that reason I think I might start using names, otherwise it'll be too hard to keep track. That's not a bad thing, right? I just don't like using people's names or posting pictures of people other than me because it seems like I'm telling or showing something private about them without their permission. But I'll only use first names here so that should be fine.
So, I only remember a couple of the guys. I was sitting on the corner bench with my roommate (Keith) and there was another Keith who turned out to be on the track team or cross-country, whatever, then there was Jay, who lived next door to me, who introduced himself as Jason to me I'm almost positive but everyone else met him as Jay, I don't know what happened there. There were the two football players who were big and black and intimidating at the time. One of them said something about everyone being adult and putting up the toilet seats when pissing which of course never happened during the course of the year but that's a different story.
Pavel, the RA, handed out ice cream bars and we could tell right away that he was a gigantic dork. We did this get-to-know-each-other thing where we said our names, where we're from, two true things and a lie and people had to pick the lie or something. My lie was something like, "I only have one testicle." Why? I don't know, I'm a dork and I wanted to say something that would catch them off guard. whatever.
The course of events that took place during the rest of orientation and the beginning of school is a little foggy. I remember the important stuff but not the order. That's ok.
One of the first couple days of orientation my oldest brother Adrian showed up and hung out with me for a day and a half or something. I think it was the friday.
There were a series of orientation events that we were supposed to go to to learn about the school and organizing yourself and safe sex and stuff. I went to the engineering school convocation thing and found out that we're wicked smaht. Our average verbal SAT score was higher than that of Trinity. Pretty dope. I went to another one, the one about safe sex, which was kinda funny and mostly stupid. I didn't go to the "Get Buzzed" one about drinking and shit.
I met my FAC (First-year Advisory Counselor) on wednesday. She was very energetic but not good-looking and she had a bandage on her armpit because she'd had a rib removed. Wierd.
*Again, I'm confused about what days things happened and it's annoying the crap out of me, but maybe by the time I've written everything it'll come together.
She came by and introduced herself. She said that I should go with her and the other members of my FAC group to the movie on the main quad of East which was just an event so that people could meet each other. I don't remember what the movie was. We went some time after the hall meeting. There were a couple of kids there in my group and then there was Jay who came with us because his FAC didn't show up or something. We went around to find the other kids in my group (it turns out there was a mistake in making the groups and everyone in the same group had the same first name. All the guys in mine were something near Tyler and the girls were Andrea.) and when we stopped at this one girl Andrea's room she came to the door effectively in her underwear and she was hot as shit, almost definitely a 3 (I'll explain the scale later). But she didn't come with us then because she wasn't ready. I think this happened Wednesday night. Either then or Thursday night but I think Wednesday because I remember that was the first time I'd seen her and I think that was Wednesday.
So the few of us went out to the quad and Jay and I kind of got seperated immediately basically looking for hot girls to talk to. My first impression of Jay was that he was a really cool kid and in fact much cooler than I and I figured I wouldn't be friends with him long because he was that much cooler than me although he ended up being one of my best friends. I'm not making this up, I actually thought that. Wierd. I even remember him as being taller than I at the time even though I'm taller than he. I must've been pretty nervous/shy/timid at the time.
So I met a bunch of kids that night. I don't remember most of them but I remember this one kid named Mark whom I never hung out with after that who was really fucking funny. Then there was this other kid, Jeff, who kept cramping Jay's and my style. New Jersey Jeff we called him not only because he's from NJ but because he was the biggest asshole, like all New Jersey kids. Actually, Jay's from NJ too.
Anyway, we'd be talking to someone, and if it was a girl Jeff would step in front of us and cut us off. Gigantic dick. Loves the cock. I met this girl Maria who's from the Boston area who I remembered because she had put a picture up on our class's website. Much hotter in person. I kind of hung around with her and a couple other girls for a while basically because she was from my area and she was hot. This other girl who was with us, Pauline, I barely paid any attention to at all but she turned out to be another one of my best friends. Jay and I split up at some point, we walked around a little and met some people, it started to rain and we all went inside. On the way in I was walking with this girl, I don't remember who it was and another girl named Blake who went to Phillips Exeter. I think that was the end of the night.