Nov 09, 2005 15:49
to fall far from where you cast you heart. long forgotten and worried with nonsense preoccuptions that have no true value. i chose this and still grew to be unhappy. filled with clamour and extasy, it felt that extasy was only a mile away from this prison cell. break free you fool. are you to be some fool that has no choice becuase of the choice from long ago. the spirit wanders where ever it wishes but it remains traped for as long as one desires. break free not as some fool. fools never really break free they just end up running longer than they need to. remeber that dude that thought he was free?
dirias tus secretos para soponer libertad? simple no?
no ahi que negar que las bestias viven dentro las personas consumidos por angustia. no hai que negar que las mentiras nos consumen y que el amor se envenena con las tintas mas negras de las noches frias, sin luz o esperanza del manezer.
the sun never cease to show when nights grow old, and friends appear where light does not always shine.