Hey guys, newhat to comm, oldhat to sporking.
I'd crosspost all of this fic, but it's too long to just put it up all in one go, I hope a link to my journal will suffice. I will, however, introduce you to this fic.
Warning: The fic does contain a ship between an adult and an underage teenager, complete with foreplay scenes. This happens in part 2 (I warn you again) so if you're not cool with that material, I'd pass over this fic.
I was itching to spork a fic that isn’t bad on purpose (i.e. Kawaii Tragic Whatever The Fuck, my project at the time I gave up on since it was too stupid even for me.) So I asked a buddy to rec me a piece of shit. They reminded me of a fic in a fandom we share (Golden Sun) called “So Tender, the Healer’s Heart.”
Now what makes this fic remarkable is that it’s the origin of the incredibly baffling Tendershipping (guess who coined that phrase?) The author is legitimately proud of coining a ship between a teenage girl and a personality-less villain (Karis/Chalis.) Well… it’s not “curing cancer” levels of fame claiming, but coining a ship is a big fandom deal, right? … right?
There’s no amusing typos to lighten the mood. There’s no bad sex (okay, maybe bad foreplay,) to post to
weepingcock, this is just straight up OOC “the fuck are you thinking” bad.
Here are the links. I tend to swear like a sailor and typo like a pro because that's how I roll.
STTHH Part 1 STTHH Part 2: Why Are Mia and Ivan Shitty Parents? (Contains foreplay-ish makeout between adult and teenage girl, you have been warned) STTHH Part 3: WHAT. You are free to comment here or my journal, whichever tickles your fancy. My next project is the infamous Forbiden Fruit, which will get crossposted here as I work.