Being sent off.

Sep 02, 2005 20:26

Entry: 0003
System Status: Normal

Dad's given me the case and tools to maintain the cybernetics an' all. Systems are running normally so far, dispite my nervousness.

In lifey news, evidently Xavier freaking Light's being sent to the School too. So things might get intresting. Is he really that emo?

Also saw ZERO. And an ALTERNATE ME. AS A GUY. WITH FREAKISH HAIR. Other!Me asked about my name and family. I wonder why? He looked like he was in quite a rush to leave when he found out...

Got most of my stuff packed, including the toolkit and such. Most of my clothes that I want to take, that spandex uniform dad makes me wear when I train and test the cybernetics. THAT THING IS EVIL. IT CHAFES, a few games and such, and a couple of my hacking tools. Might be useful.

Dad's kinda excited about this. Me? I'm nervous as hell over this. I have to LIVE somewhere other than HOME. That's like, scary.

....Come to think of it, where is that school, anyway?

Entry Terminated.

x, cybernetic updates, ic posts, npc: zero logan, npc: professor rupert cain, alternates, life updates

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