096. Writer's Choice - "Mirror "(D_M Prompt)

Nov 04, 2006 23:40

096. Writer's Choice - Mirror

Sometimes, what we see in our reflections is not ourselves, but another person. Another being.

Whether dark. Light. Or even neither.

To be honest, the standoff was more like a twisted set of reflections more than anything else. Arabelle stood above, on a nearby building, since this was something that rather made the news.

Currently, there were six visable figures down on the road. The set closest to the building Ara was standing on was the trio she knew most of all. Black Kaiser, tall, black, imposing power armor. A skull helm with white-handed gauntlets. Glowing points of red light in the armor.

Two figures flanked him. One in blue, heavy, possibly metal body armor. Gravity Beetle. Right down to having a single, large horn. The other was in a dark blue longcoat, electricity occasionally arcing about him. He looked more like he stepped out of the Matrix more than anything else. Bodyarmor under the coat with circuits on it. Hard Drive.

Across from them was what was best described as funhouse mirror versions.

White armor, blue glows, similer to Black Kaiser in every way except the colorings and the helmet. A faceplate and crown circling the head. The individual also had a large cane.

He, too, was flanked by doubles of Hard Drive and Gravity.

Arabelle blinked, "What the shit is this.." She muttered, shifting so she stood at the corner of the roof, rather blatantly staring. Her wings flicked slightly in the wind of the fall day.

This was a trainwreck to the highest degree, at least as far as she was concerned.

Black Kaiser spoke first. Digitized, deep, british. Much like a more booming Megabyte, "Explain to me what mockery you're making of me." He gestured with his arms to add to his point. Irritated, and this was clear, even through the armor.

"I am no mockery, Black Kaiser." The white armored figure spoke first, stepping foward, a sweep of the arms. In their differences, they were more similer than they appeared. Arabelle could tell this.

It was creepy as hell as far as she was concerned. She shifted, kneeling lower as not to be seen, or hopefully detected.

"I am known as the White King." White continued. "It has come to my attention, that you're turning out to be far more than this universe could possibly handle, Black Kaiser, and as such, I have come to deal with you personally."

Ara buh-faced. "The White KING? ...Okay this shit is.." She trailed off as what she could best describe as the pissing contest continued.

"It would seem, King, that you're a fool to attempt to come here." Kaiser's red glowing eyes narrowed. Ara idly wondered how in the hell that effect was accomplished. Kaiser continued, "After all, if you are who you claim, King, you know full well the range of powers I possess."

...Geezus. It really WAS a pissing contest. If this guy's from an alternate reality, Ara pondered for a second, does this mean that ALL Kaisers have to wave around their armor-peens?

"I know, quite well, Kaiser." King spoke again.

Kaiser, however, evidently was the least patiant of the two, as with a wave of one arm, there was a cracking boom. Like a sonic boom, but without the freakin' jet.

However, the effect clearly wasn't what Kaiser expected, Ara mused, if the suprise was any indication. As there was the cracking boom, whatever it was, stopped against some sort of light purple colored barrier of some kind. Holy shit.

"It would appear, Kaiser, that while you have the armor to make your powers more precise, and all those years of training, you still wield them like the Hammer of God." King criticised, taking a stance, holding his cane like a defensive weapon.

"That's because, as you well know, good King." Kaiser shifted back slightly, his arms moved behind his back, then thrusted his arms foward. "I AM the Hammer of God!"

King probably used his own powers to block the attack, as far as Ara could tell from where she was, but that wasn't who Kaiser was hitting. Loud screams pierce the air, as the alternate Hard Drive, and Gravity go sailing backwards through the air. Gravity was fortunite enough to land on his back on the pavement, cracking it with the sheer force of the landing.

The Alternate Hard Drive, unfortantely, landed straight into the hood of a Dodge Viper.

Arabelle winced as the car alarm went off, blaring loudly.

"TAKE HIM! You know how to fight me, USE THOSE TACTICS!" Black Kaiser shouts, his two backups leaping foward, Hard Drive crackled with electricity, while Gravity charged foward, head held down in a way much like a football tackle, running for the White King.

It is, needless to say, going to be a long night.

(( This is VERY VERY VERY AU. Another one I've been wanting to write out for a few WEEKS, hell. Asif it isn't obvious, the White King is the Mirrorverse version of the Black Kaiser. It's like chess! :D ))

npc: hard drive (thunderdata), pc: white king (ordered_mind), npc: gravity beetle, pc: black kaiser (ordered_mind), d_m prompts, arabelle

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