Oct 07, 2007 15:34
I'm still pissed off at Cain. This is why, despite X's urging, I still haven't gone back.
I know he's doing a good thing, and has the right intentions for mutant and human relations. Hell, when you look at it? That's part of the reason why I left.
I know my temper and th' tension of me still being angry with being used aren't a good combo.
Plus? I need to be out on my own for a while. Sort of figure out what the flyin' hell I'm supposed to be doing with the rest of my life. I mean, beatin' the snot out of the bad guys is fun, but...
I dunno. I don't even have a freaking clue what's gotten me to thinking about this lately. I guess I've been thinking about the future too much.
I kinda miss when things were simpler.
[Private from here on]
..Before my head exploded.
plotline: battle royale,
ic posts,
the future,
npc: professor cain,
npc: xavier light