Sometimes? Finding something out can just add a little bit of closure to a choice.

Sep 23, 2007 22:25

OOC: This kinda... just happened in PM with Chi. We later BS'ed that this subject came up when Ara was asking what it was they were DOING in the seventies, and, well. Li spills the beans.

"What, she didn't tell you?!" :O

"..No. She didn't." Arabelle pinches the bridge her nose and makes a quiet, frustrated sound. Yeah, she was pretty much gonna break up with Rylie anyway, but she would've liked to have /known/.

Li sighs and leans forward on the railing (it's a balcony or something, what), lost in his own thoughts. "I guess that figures."

"I think she regretted it, anyway."

"I know I'm th' kinda gal who flies by the seat of my pants an' stuff, but christ. When it comes to that kinda thing, I usually stop and /think/." She sighs, as well, leaning on the railing too, flicking her wings outwards just to catch the lazy Dramatic Breeze that's going on (Dramatic Breeze brought to you by Dramatic Breeze Moments incorperated, whenever you need a gentle, dramatic wind, we're the ones to call)

"Well, I... Even I didn't think it was a good idea for her." He looks down. "It turned out not to really be a good idea for me, either. I don't think she has any feelings for me, really. I was just /convenient/ and /there/."

"...For what it's worth, and I'm not sure it's much, m'sorry she did that. Rylie's a good person, she.. ..just doesn't really make th' smartest choices about things a lot of the time." Ara shrugs a little, glancing at him.

Li glances back at her. No, he's not going to wibble or glomp her, dammit. We're going to act like we're not really too bothered over this! So, he nods and smiles a little. "Yeah, she's kind of like me."

Arabelle probably wouldn't mind it so much. She considers Li a friend, admittedly, one she doesn't know well, but she won't reject a random glomp from him. Though he'll have to be a little careful of the chaos that's her mind, it can be a little. Er. Overwhelming, to the uninitiated. "Yeah, a bit." She snrks a little, "S'not a /bad/ thing, just.. ..I do worry about her a little, she's still my friend despite th' fact I broke up with her."

Li doesn't want to act that girly is all. He's pretending to be strong and is trying not to take away from the fact that Ara was the one who got cheated on, not him. "Yeah. I worry about her, too. I don't want anything to happen to her..." He looks down again - Li really, really likes Rylie. It's kind of sad.

It does hurt. There's no lying about that, and it does, in fact, add a little to her already complicated Issues about her self image. Being that she's with Aka now, anyway, it doesn't really /matter/ in the long run, it just, uh. Doesn't really help matters all that much. "I tried to talk her down out of breaking those damn things, I honestly did. When I found out she /did/, that, just.. kinda ended it, for me."

"I did, too, but I don't think she cared. Maybe if she had known you'd break up with her, it might have affected her decision." He pauses in thought as this dramatic wind that's blowing continues. It's late fall or early winter, and his hair is braided. The braid is getting all messed-up in the wind, though. "... Or, maybe not. Who knows? In retrospect, I wish I hadn't gone with her when she did it."

Ara's hair is still cut short, and lately she's been debating cutting it even shorter. She hasn't decided. "I don't know. I didn't know that I decided I was gonna break up with her until after she smashed the damn things." Arabelle's wings flick upward in the wind. Regardless of how cold it is, her feathers apparently have enough insulation, or she's just that used to it now. ".. Just so you know, I'm not mad at you, Li. I know you agreed to it, but knowing Rylie, it was likely at her prompting it, and, well. Once she gets set on sommat.." As Arabelle well remembers all her gorram /pants getting stolen/ way back when. Ngh. That was irritating.

Li nods. "I- I could've said no. I mean, I don't think she would've..."

"Hon, it's alright. It hurts, but I'm not with her anymore." He just. Uh. Helped Arabelle cement that breaking up with Rylie /was/ a good idea after all. She felt GUILTY BEYOND ALL REASON about it afterwards (Gee, thanks, Hermes. Ara doesn't know the sickness, bad luck, and so forth was because of Hermes, but still).

Li nods and shuts the hell up. He's really having problems getting this whole 'not his fault' thing into his head. Wait, wait, hold on. He has to take off his glasses because he 'has something in his eye'. Give him a second.

Arabelle debates it for a few minutes and just gives th' boy a hug. He looks like he could use it, more than she needs it, anyway. "It's alright." She's.. trying to keep her mind reigned back, but it's not work as well as she'd like, most likely.

Arabelle eventually releases him from the hug, "It's alright, hon. It really is."

Li smiles a little. "Thanks..."

Arabelle grins, "S'no problem, dude. S'no problem." ^_^

pc: rylie (not_spider_girl), ic posts, pc: li chang (clever--fool), logposts, pc: akahana (angel_of_plague)

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