(no subject)

Aug 08, 2007 13:23

"So. Blue. Out with it already, I know that Cain knew, what about you guys?"

Xavier rolled his eyes, "Arabelle, why are you pressing this issue?"

"I dunno, maybe because I feel like there's even more to this goddamn situation than I initially thought?"

Xavier sighed, "Look, we knew too, alright? We helped Cain figure it out. You happy?"

"Not entirely, Blue. There's still sommat you're not tellin' me, and so help me..."

"Look Arabelle, intimidating me isn't going to work. It never has."

"Then how about I--"

It's at this point Zero comes up to the rooftop as well, "X, we should just tell her already."

"What about what Cain told us? You think she's even ready for that?"

Arabelle blinked, folding her arms and shifting her weight, "Ready for what?"

Zero rolled his eyes and X, "Ready for the fact that Cain specifically recruited you to deal with Kaiser, because of your chaotic nature."

"...Wait. What?"

X pinched the bridge of his nose. Oh no.

"Professor Cain recruited you specifically because your chaotic mind made you incredibly difficult to predict, and because Hecate didn't know you like she knew us, since she was one of the X-men before becoming Kaiser."

That sound you probably just heard alllll the way to Jersey was Arabelle's brain coming to a loud, screeching halt.

x, kaiser, narratives, ic posts, npc: zero logan, the truth, pc: hecate daemon (ordered_mind)

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