Dec 13, 2006 11:44
It was bloody cold.
The Cain Institute was covered in a somewhat thick blanket of snow. None of the students would venture outside except a select few, and even then, they'd all rather be inside.
Arabelle was one of those few. Sheer determination
Even her wings could tell her that it was, indeed, cold. Her cybernetics felt more tinny. Ice and snow everywhere. She stood on the rooftop, in a heavy, though tailored, coat; snowpants; and boots.
Her wings flicked off a bit of ice. Arabelle grinned, pulling on her goggles and steeling herself. This was gonna be it. The snow as a light fall, but otherwise, it was a quiet mid-day. She took a deep breath, a bit of steam escaping her lips.
"This is it..." She lept, upwards first, wings folding downwards and shoving against the ground to give extra height, and speed to her jump. Then spreading them with a crack the broke the silent winter air, and shook off any ice that was on them.
Once in the air, Ara swooped, powerful and hard, arcing back upwards, building speed. Wings beat several times throughout this process. She had far more control than even she appeared. Building more speed. The air about her, even under her control, whipping by.
She built more speed. Faster, cutting through the winter air like a brightly colored, yellow winged becon. She flew over the greenhouse, shaking the ice and such off of the weather vane atop it as she flew by. The bird shaped device spinning hard.
Over the pool, which by now, had froze. She saw her icy reflection for a moment. She arced back towards the rooftop where she took off initially, wings beat twice before she landed.
It wasn't exactly smooth, as it was more of a running landing than anything, due to the momentum.
"And?" Ara glanced back.
"...Wait, I was supposed to clock you that time?" Sparky blinked, holding up one of those things that police use to clock speeds.
"..." Ara facepalmed and groaned "Arg."
speed record,
d_m prompts,
flight attempts,
dm prompts