That's three bedtime story readings I've missed now. This has become personal.
(Adjective daddy shouldn't say because it's considered profane) (Noun that daddy shouldn't say for the same reasons), you're going down.
I don't care if you're my grandmother. Well, actually, I would. Since both of them have been dead for a few years. That would be disturbing. What I'm trying to say is that I don't care who you are, you can't mess with my city like this. Daddy intends to make things safe.
Private//Unhackable to all SFPD officers:
We don't have the resources for this. This is ridiculous.
At least the second Hummer is in the lab. We need anything, and I mean anything we can get. Figure out a time that's good for you, I want a staff meeting. Sunday, Monday, sometime in there. We need to toss around what we've got, put our heads together, because this isn't working as it is.
Private//Unhackable to Roy, Havoc, Sasuke
I don't think we can be bothered with what ShinRa knows and doesn't know right now. We need the extra head. If there's something you feel we should specifically keep from her, talk to me, we'll do it. But we're understaffed, underfunded... it's ridiculous.
Actually, there is one thing I'd like to be kept from Cissnei at this time - my reciprocation theory. Anyone else got anything?