Jan 25, 2009 13:15
Well, I'm done...a whopping 3,000...
...that's not a dissertation...that's a long essay!
The only problem now is getting two copies printed off and getting one of them ring-bound...
Which means, going to the main Campus...all the way up in Kedleston Road...
...I hate it there...
It's too big, there's crowds, I don't know where I'm actually going, there's no signs for anything and, being an art student who dresses...somewhat strangely, you get very odd looks from people...
It's like I'm a Freshman all over again!
...don't want to go...but I'm not going alone...always go in groups...that way, they can't take your soul without any noticing...
In other news, my "How to play Banjo' book arrived the other day ^^