Last four seasons of Buffy

Jan 04, 2008 10:24

Well; this has been bugging me.

I've been thinking about how things would be different if Angel had not left. I may go into more detail at some point, but I've been thinking about how the overall arc would have changed.

It just depends on circumstances of him staying.
1) THey carry on as they are - basically their relationship in season 3 of Buffy.
2) They revert to being just friends - relationship in early part of season 3; Pre-Lovers Walk.
3) He leaves; but when he becomes human, he stays human.

How overall arcs would have differed:

Season 4: If they'd been friends but no more, Riley might have entered the picture, but the Spike mind games wouldn't have worked. I have doubts whether Spike would last the year. Riley and Buffy would, I think, have broken up though.
If Angel and Buffy had been 'together', Riley would just not have ever been more than a TA to her. Angel being there, might have made things more awkward with Xander, but I think he would have been a good link between Buffy and her friends. THey don't like him; but they wouldn't distance herself so much.
If he'd been human - pretty much as above, except Angel would be even more a part of things - and Spike would almost certainly die before the end of the season. Angel can get quite jealous.

Season 5:
Angel Buffy romance: Pretty much as it was; except I don't think Buffy would have had her 'the world can go to hell rather than sacrificing Dawn' speech. Angel may have moved in to help Buffy out when Joyce died. Angel would have been able to go with Spike to take on Doc - he has no chance.
Angel Buffy friends: If Riley still around, he definitely breaks up with her; and she's not that fussed. Angel probably takes on a lot of Spike's role during this season. Faith would have had her redemption in Sunnydale; not LA, and Angel would, I think, have seen it wasn't Buffy. This last part applies for them being a romantic couple as well.
Angel human: As discussed above, no Spike. I also suspect that Angel would be living with her by this point, and that 'Dawn' might have been placed in Angel's past rather than Buffy's.

Season 6:
The evil trio would have gotten nowhere. If Angel was a vampire, I think even Warren would have backed off. Buffy wouldn't have been struggling with identity so much, so most of their plans would have gone nowhere. Tara may well not have died, as it's suggested that she died out of repayment for Buffy, and there's a decent chance Buffy didn't die; and if she did, I suspect Angel would have stopped the resurrection.

Season 7:
Pretty much the same, except if the pendant turned up Angel would have worn it - quite possibly achieving his Shansu. If already human, someone else would have had to do it. Anya, maybe, redeeming herself for 1120 years as a vengeance demon?

SOme individual episodes might have had differences beyond this as well, but those are the basic arc differences.
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