(no subject)

Nov 21, 2004 20:30

today i didnt do anything for awhile...i tried to scrunch my hair and failed and the hairspray was all in it and it sucks. but. yeah. ended up meeting up with jess from wildwood <3 and her boy jared that i know from the tree...we ate cookies behind that old abandoned shed place....went to bk i saw ed he hugged me a lot and so did preston then i left with jess and we went to my house and split the rit then left went to sev got a duch and then left went to stoop then went to playground tried failed crack. sad panda. bowls made of wood on sale. we went across the crick to the basketball courts and packed it all in, went to the woods and had our picnic...walked to playground lookign for lost and never recovered ear plugs. picnic on the park bench. left. went up the drive. saw these 2 dudes and they said hey so we said yo lets hit it and then they had a duch and we ate a cookie or two and then we left and i realized why they were so standoffish was i looked like crap...my nose was red from cold and my hair was frizzed from hairspray haha i was like merrrrr....but now i came home and ate porkchops and perogies...yum. dinner. and applesauce. how could i forget that? ... played metroid prime, i think thats the name, beat the parasite queen. yeah. im cool. did half of my lab writeup...doin the rest now.
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