Nov 13, 2004 18:40
well today i was havin fun doin nothin then troupe calls me and bah blah he scoops me up n josh and kat r there and then were drivin and allof a sudden i notice troupe and josh like ... messin wit there noses and snortin and i was like shiiit and then the car was like VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM i was like ... uhoh he was like your gunna get in trouble for that plate we better hoppe the 50 aint around i was like ... er.. .. then we went to np chilled in a driveway decided to go to sev picked up a philly ugh phillys and then went back to the driveway chilled there ate cookies then josh couldnt find his fuckin wallet so we wee drivin round everywehrre finally the y just dtropped me off at my house hehe now im heere.