(no subject)

Jul 24, 2008 00:59

The joy of life came back to me!!
I'm going to let this weekend pass before i start to go out like i used to do, 2 years ago!!

I'm realizing now, that my mentality change totally towards the women when i'm in France and in the US!! It's crazy to say that but it's true! I remember when i first came to the school, i was looking everywhere for the pretty ladies, and i started a cute 1 week flirting with Molly, with which i got sick off!
After that nothing, nada... i had pratically no attractivness to anyone, and if i was atracted to someone it was only because it was kind of a challenge to me!!and not because i was to 'built' something serious or not because i was attracted sexually to this person!!

And it's not because they are prettier in France, No,NO!! I saw some pretty girls in Florida- I think it's the mentality of the country- the US is a big calm and vast country and to see someone you usually need a car- You think it has nothing to do anything with sexuality but YES- The ' human contact'-

I have to go shopping soon if i want to go out more often because in jeans, Guiness T-shirt and Vans you don't enter anywhere- I haven't tried but i don't want to stand in front of the club with a big black guy in front of me saying that i can't enter!!!

I learned how to drive a manual transmission- And it's not that difficult, i prefer driving an automatic transmission because i can look at people driving or the people on the streets!! With a manual you need to concentrated in this stick shift thing!! but i'm sure it's because i'm beginning!!

I'm working with a gay guy, who pisses me off so bad... I didn't know he was gay, and i now that i know, i'm goiung to be nicer to him than before because imagine what could happen if he starts to get angry!!! The end of.....

He is so funny , he thinks he is better than everyone, and we can't do anything, because he is our manager- in some way!!!
He stole the car we used to drive all around the park and he doesn't have his license!!!
Now we have to use the carts like the other people!! It's crazy!!!!

I talked to Thiago and Camilita for 10/20 minutes on Msn yesterday and i was really nice! wWe talked about nothing and anything at the same time!
It's nice to get news from my second life, on the other continent!!LOL

Alright i'm going to go to sleep now, becaue if i don't, i'm going to be sooooooooo tired tomorrow for work and staying all day long tired carrying this around is not fun!!!

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