Intresting Roundup

Jan 17, 2022 16:36

First of all, I made a guide on how to rip music from audio CD with current software available
Used tumblr because the format is just better for image and re-distribution of information.

On the 13th I made a post about the Northern Territories for Ertakar the things they did to survive in the winter and it's harshness. And then on the 14th a video essayist I like to watch named Jacob Geller posted a video on Fear of Cold.
Which goes into not so much fear but rather, the actual brutality of cold and contains both real and fictional accounts of death and/or injury from the cold. It was just kinda amusing to see something so timely that illustrates just why my Ertakar had developed such a rigid form of survival structure that colored their culture for centuries.

Back in 2019 around 71,000 VHS and Betamax from 1975 to 2012 that had been recorded by Archival Activist and Librarian, Marion Stokes, were digitized and placed on the Internet Archive for anyone to access.
Atlas Obscura article on the subject.
One of the most fascinating recorded shows is one called Input, a cross discussion television series syndicated in Philadelphia, that was discussions of different social and political topics at the time when it aired. Something I think really important that gives a look into mindsets of the time stretched across all different groups and professions. Like, in the episode, Who Needs To Be Normal? It sure is fascinating to see in 1969 they have the same problems with job applications then as we do now, and if anything, it's gotten worse. Just things like that.

All of this would have been lost had not been the efforts of Marion Stokes. Just, how incredible is that? Archivists are modern-day heroes, honestly.

Also read this article about Berkeley Nutraceuticals (maker of Enzyte)
and it's absolutely unhinged business practices and the dubious practices that were involved with the case and a person's right to privacy in regard to email and other telecommunications. It was essentially because of this case that we got our full right to privacy with email, which we didn't have until 2009. It's a somber reflection on how long their method of retrieving this information could have gone on had the case not been this big and the defendant not have the means to contest it.

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