WebWork, Writing, and Odditites

Nov 09, 2021 08:19

Me, idly one morning: 'I really need to figure out how to make an XML Site Map'
30 min later: Cool I have a sitemap now :O

After way too long I finally got around to throwing down something on the projects page that had been an empty link for ages.
So now I have something in writing for real on my website that shows any stranger wandering onto my site that I'm doing more than just pretty drawings and there's a purpose and pointing people into directions based on my synopsis.

Also going to figure out how to make pages display specific custom details when in their link preview on things like Discord or Twitter. And I still need to make my favicons. I may not like the current state of web 3.0 social media nonsense, but I have to adapt to it, either way. Also going to try to brush up a bit on my CSS beautifying, I want to make it look just a little bit more 'sleek', something a bit less amateurish, if I can. I have my function down, it's easy to navigate, it works, and now that all my pages are in, it's time to see if I can get it a little fancy and learn something new.

I've been doing kinda NaNoWriMo this month. It's more so that I've made a promise to myself to open up my growing list of WIPs and text files and work on them to some degree. The point is less to write one thing or hit 50K, but just to make myself set aside the time to write more in general. It's a habit I need to do more often in general, just like I would with art, so that I can get my scripts rolling at a steady pace. Glad to say it's been going well and I'm at least writing something. And the sooner I have a lot of somethings, the sooner I have a finished product.

Apart from that, been busy with all the above and work. Work is still going great, and all my co-workers are just fantastic!

And now, have a stack of links to things I found interesting or cool.

This post about The Brave Little Toaster and a theme of Faith, but not strictly faith in the religious sense.

A video of a test-concept of full-on artificial muscle structures on a robotic arm. While non-viable for real prosthetic work in this day and age, it's really cool to see functioning mechanisms like this for personal reference in super future robotics concept/design.

Been hearing about Crypto and NFTs and have no idea what's up? Want a remarkably thorough breakdown about that everything means? Here you go.

We still have no idea how Eels reproduce and that's wild

Speaking of Oddities, I've really enjoyed the chill vibes of this old tech Videographer for a long time now, and I think more should too. He's got this fun Oddware series where he reviews Odd and Unique old hardware. I recommend pretty much everything he does but his Oddware is a nice place to start.

This entry was originally posted at https://armaina.dreamwidth.org/778054.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

coding, links

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