I thought I posted this ages ago, but I didn't so now I am. Over the past year I finally put together reference sheets for my oldest character. I've had her for far too long and I had not a single ref sheet for her ever completed, and for the first time I actually have completed ref sheets.
I'm sure as you can see, she's one of those characters that's 'deceptively' simple. Not complex in colors and patterns, but just a lot of little details that are easy to get wrong without the right guidance. It was really nice to get these all done.
The other big thing was, that in doing these reference sheets I finally decided for certain what her face markings were. They had been eluding me for some time but I figured it out and I'm so dang happy with them, the way they pull everything together now when I'm coloring her is just so nice and it's great feeling that everything is correct. It's nice to have something that feels so right in that regard.
So yeah that's it, I got her refs all done and it's nice to finally have them! Shameless profile page links:
http://wiki.armaina.com/index.php/Talonhttps://toyhou.se/10725.talon This entry was originally posted at
https://armaina.dreamwidth.org/770232.html. Please comment there using