(no subject)

Sep 01, 2010 08:57

Hmm... my online presence seems to be diminishing as the physical world takes greater and greater hold on my time. Can't be helped, and I'm certainly not complaining. However, a couple of matters deserve posting.

First off, I have a girlfriend! Doubtless most of you already know this by now, but it needs a journal entry regardless. Erin and I have been together since last Sunday at DV8, and it has been most excellent. Of course, I don't really have time to elaborate on things right now, but here are a few pics anyway.

Erin can fix anything with a kitchen knife.

My lovely ladies.

Together at Red Moon. Is it just me, or is there a bit of a Jocelin thing happening there...?

The other thing you ought to know is that I will be heading to Tasmania for a few days with Ele tomorrow, and shan't be online again until we return on Monday night. Should be an interesting time. See you all then!
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