We've come so far, we've come so close.

Nov 04, 2008 13:00

The political process makes me weep with joy. No, really. I got up this morning, watch a few videos on YouTube about the election and just cried and cried and cried. We have a mock election going on, and when I got my ballot, my hands were shaking. We went to a voting place during English class to see what it was like. I was reduced, again, to tears. I don't think I've ever felt so passionately about anything ever. I just want to go outside, kiss the ground and thank someone that I was born a United States citizen. Yes, we're a country of bigots and idiots, but we're also a place of hope, a place of dreams and change. It's a place where people can come together and truly make a difference. I've struggled, in the past, with my identity as a US citizen. It has seemed, in the past eight years, that I am nothing that others identify as those who run our country, those who make up our country.

Today, however, I am proud to be called an American. No matter who wins this election, no matter what happens when I wake up tomorrow, no matter who runs my country for the next four years, today I am proud of my country and the people who live in, the people who wait in lines early in the morning, during their lunch breaks, and late into the evening to take control of their futures.

Please, if you live in the US, and you are eligable to vote, go out and do so. Take charge of your future. Make me proud.


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