Jan 26, 2009 16:32
And it may well be my last. You see, I am posting this feeling a bit under duress - because I "must" do it and not because it's what I myself am choosing to do... It seems do or do not... Meaning post something or be banished from the site forever; neither option appeals to me so I am taking the lesser of two evils (I hope). You see, there are two kinds of people that come to frequent sites like this - there are the writers (of course) and then there are the readers. I happen to be of the latter variety. I love reading the stories here and in Flyboys and over at IOC (Illusions of Cook) where people might be surprised to know stuff I have actually written appears - though no one will ever know this - because I write with another person and I choose to remain completely anonymous. This is for my own protection. I have been burnt (pretty badly) with an internet privacy violation in the past and you know the old adage, "once bitten, twice shy" - well that's me to the nth degree. So I read a lot, mostly lurk but I do post comments from time to time, mostly on Flyboys because my story preference on this site is fairly limited... Anyway, the one thing I have learned about writing is that there is something really exhilarating about someone reading what you have written and posting a comment that same day with instant feedback on your work. My point being, I know this is a site for writers, but most writers need readers - its the yin and yang you know. Anyway, boot me if you must, I can't say I will understand it - but I will have to accept your decision.