School, Monsters, and Little House.

Sep 01, 2010 16:21

Harry started back to school on Monday. I still feel some guilt about turning away from public schools and really selling out my credibility as a socialist by putting him in private school but i have yet to be disappointed. Last year he had to take a World Religions class and the class wasn't taught by a nun or christian figure of any sort but by somebody who majored in religion in college! This year he has to take a sort of ethics/intro to philosophy class with the same teacher. Last year his physics class was 15 people! This year he has Honors American Literature and he will be reading Moby Dick, Invisible Man, Huck Finn, and Grapes of Wrath. He also has honors Spanish and honors American History. His graduating class is only about 50 person but they are already divided so the honors kids have higher expectations and more work. Now that is what i paid for!!! I pay them to push my kid!

Finn and Carter start next week. On wednesday night their school--which is about a 1/2 mile away from our house--will be having an open house w/ hot dogs and the old meet and greet. Finn and Carter will be in separate classrooms this year and I have 3 teachers to meet because one of them has two teachers! We will see how the separation goes.

Jay has been working a lot, a lot, a lot. In the past 6 days i have probably seen him about 3 hours. The kids haven't really seen him at all because he gets home way past their bedtimes. I am thinking of looking into getting a babysitter or putting Una in a daycare for two 1/2 days a week. It won't be quite so bad when the twins are back at school but it is hard when they are here--grocery shopping, cleaning, etc.

The twins have really been into Monsters lately. In the winter I ordered some books and we have been reading about mythical creatures, monsters from around the world, and monster legends. I just ordered another batch of books from amazon about cryptotology. There is a new adult book out right now about monsters--a cultural history of sorts. We are also reading Little House in the Big Woods--maybe we will plan a Fall trip visiting Pepin, WI and the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum. I have never read past Little House on the Prairie but we tend to read all the books in a series so I am excited about this! I am thinking of having them watch some of the Little House tv series as well.
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