Thought this was funny and indicative of our culture's obsession with breasts as sexual objects and its revulsion to their practical use as a source of nourishment. I'm still pretty wary of breastfeeding in public, just my own self-consciousness and awareness of how many people around here are so appalled by it, but far be it from me to discourage anyone else from doing it and more power to them, I say. If I lived in Honduras- or, I assume, most places in Latin America- I'd probably be a bit bolder about it since it's pretty common practice for women to breastfeed in public. I have very clear memories as a little kid in Ecuador of women just pulling out their boob to feed their baby during church. I also remember people breastfeeding for much longer- you know, toddlers walking over to their mothers and unbuttoning their shirts. That seems to also be very much looked down upon around here and I've even heard people refer to breastfeeding a toddler as "creepy."