Title: Haunted
arliddianRating: PG
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Doctor/Rose - Ten, Donna, the passengers from Midnight, and Rose.
Summary: He will never forget her, and the universe seems to agree. Slight AU, set in season 4 after Midnight.
Word Count: 505
Author's Note: Prompt from
charlottetrips: He actually did see all those Rose bits in Series 4. I struggled so much with this because I didn't want to take it too AU but couldn't figure out how. So I'm sorry that I didn't quite get all of the Rose bits... I hope you like it anyway,
Warnings: Nil
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
He saw her everywhere. He'd walk into the console room of the TARDIS and expect her to be there with that cheeky grin on her face, ready for the next adventure. He watched a couple dancing at Donna's would-be reception and saw her, felt the loss of her in the words of the song. He felt her absence even when it was Martha's hand in his as they ran. Even as John Smith, she populated his dreams.
He is standing in the TARDIS doorway, about to call out to Donna, when he spots her - a blonde girl, too far away to make out, but with a familiar gait. The word "Rose" has just formed on his disbelieving lips when Donna appears in front of him, excited and eager as she pushes him aside and enters the TARDIS.
When he searches for the blond girl again, she is gone. And shaking his head at his own foolishness, he shuts the door and tries to put Rose Tyler out of his mind.
He thought he had dealt with her loss, come to terms with it, gotten over it. But the universe and his own mind seemed to want to make sure he never did, not even for a second.
The panic in the shuttle is palpable. The Doctor is about to ask if everyone is alright, but the words die on his lips as he glances behind him and sees her image on the screen.
She calls out and there's no sound, but he knows she's calling for him.
"Rose," he breathes. Everything stops. The panicked voices of his fellow passengers fade away, and there's nothing but the sound of his hearts beating in his ears. It's her, there's no mistaking that face - but it's there for an instant and then it's gone.
He bounds to the screen, sonic already in hand and he's trying to make that image come back, to trace the source of it, but there's nothing, and the word 'no' comes from his mouth, over and over and over again as he points and sonics and yields nothing.
He steps back, breathing hard, and it's Jethro's voice which breaks through the thumping in his head.
"Doctor? It's Sky. She's... what's wrong with her?"
The Doctor tears his gaze from the screen and everyone is watching him, anxious and afraid. Sky is cowering in a corner, the seats ripped off the floor. So with effort, he pushes aside his thoughts of Rose and goes to them, to be the guide and voice of reason for these terrified humans.
He forgets about the image on the screen until much later. And alone in the TARDIS console room, he decides it must have been his imagination, conjuring up a comforting thought in a moment of anxiety and stress.
He could never forget her. Even now, after the time that had passed, the friends he had made - the memory of Rose Tyler still haunted him, and would follow him for the rest of his life.