Title: After the Rain
arliddianRating: PG-13
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairing: Amy, Rory
Summary: She's tired of waiting for things to happen to her. She decides to go out and make things happen for herself. Spoilers for 6x12 (Closing Time).
Word Count: 360
Author's Note: It took me a while to come up with what I wanted to write after Closing Time, but in the end it wasn't too hard to decide on something. Feedback would be greatly appreciated! In other news, this is the 100th fic I've written and posted! How... exciting! Or something!
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
The Doctor told her to stop waiting for him, but that doesn't stop her from spending her first three weeks at home lying on the couch, flicking through History programs to try and catch a glimpse of him.
Rory confronts her about it one night before they fall asleep, bodies pressed together under the warmth of their blankets.
"There's a whole world out there you're missing, Amy," he says quietly. "He let us go so we could live in it."
She decides the next day that he's right. She's tired of waiting for things to happen to her. She decides to go out and make things happen for herself.
* * * * *
"Petrichor," her agent says over the phone. "It means-"
"-the smell of dust after rain," Amy finishes in a near-whisper.
The ad campaign is centred around 'a feeling of newness': the scent of new life, of promise, of a new beginning for the girl who's tired of waiting.
She wants to laugh, because she doesn't believe in coincidences any more.
* * * * *
The first time she goes shopping with Rory and sees her own face looking back at her from a banner in the perfume department, she nearly bursts with excitement. After all that time travelling with the Doctor, all the exhilaration and danger and emotion of those chases and pursuits, she had almost forgotten the joy of these small thrills.
"Wow," Rory murmurs next to her, hand squeezing hers. She looks at him and he's looking at the banner, expression full of wonder and pride.
"Yeah, wow," she agrees, leaning into him as they stand there and take it in.
She wonders if the Doctor will see it one day, or if he has seen it, or if he is seeing it. She hopes he sees it and understands: here she is, forging ahead, carving herself a new path but never forgetting the old road.
Petrichor - for the girl who's tired of waiting.
She reads those words again, thinking of the smell of the earth after rain. Without the rain, there would only be dust. The rain makes the ground richer. The rain makes way for new life to grow.
She smiles.