Title: The Gathering Rain
arliddianRating: G
Fandom: X-Men movieverse
Characters/Pairing: Bobby/Rogue
Summary: You can't hold back the rain.
Word Count: 216
Author's Note: Prompt -
Warnings: Angst.
Disclaimer: Don't own it; don't sue me.
It was only a matter of time.
Cure only temporary for high-powered mutants, the headlines screamed. She went white and left the room without speaking to anyone.
After that, Bobby watched the storm gather.
Even though she was still depowered, and despite Bobby's reminders that she might stay that way, she carried the expectation of disaster with her like a forecast.
She stopped answering to 'Marie' and took up the name 'Rogue' once more. The gloves came out from the back of her closet. She pulled away from his caresses and he could feel her fear whenever he kissed her. It was like rain clouds rolling in, and Bobby stood, helpless and heavy with dread, as they darkened the sky of what had once been bright. Clear. Happy.
And maybe he knew that they couldn't hold back the rain forever. Because when he walked into her room one night to find it empty except for a note on the neatly-made bed, he wasn't entirely surprised.
He sat down on her comforter to read the hastily-scribbled, tear-blotted words, and when he reached the last I'm sorry, he heard it: the soft patter of rain on the sill.
Bobby watched hollowly as the drops slid like tears down his pale reflection on the windowpane.
How fitting, he thought.